Light Bulb Choice

Welcome to!
Though I created this website in December 1997 in reaction to HR 6 Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 I did…

CFL Fire Hazard
Posted on Facebook Group: Hoarding Incandescent Light Bulbs 23 December 2014 by Cindy Wight Bridges about a CFL Fire Hazard: A friend shared this with me…

Government Subsidies of CFLs and Planned Obsolescence
From the forum: I do wonder about their performance claims, however. If it were so easy to make incandescents hit into…

Federal Budget Bill Will Not Enforce Light Bulb Efficiency Standards
The current version of the bill (H.R.3547 – Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014) will not allocating funds to implement or enforce the law…

eCandescent Kickstarter campaign has launched!
The first incandescent that can legally be sold in the USA after January 1, 2015! It’s as energy efficient as a CFL…

“… Always carry a light bulb.”
Posted on Facebook by: Peter DublinIncandescent Light Bulb (Glühbirne) Alliance Regarding the recent post, Bob Dylan saying “always carry a light bulb”,…

Loss Of Regular Light Bulbs Costly
From the Editor: If you like your light bulbs, you can’t keep them. (This promise was honest). Almost two-thirds of the public…

Senate spending bill withholds funds for bulb enforcement
Besides funding major programs, the federal spending bill that the Senate passed Thursday contains a provision that has gained little notice yet…

The Incandescent Light Bulb Is Not Dead
Reference: By Sean Hollister on January 1, 2014 02:30 pm Email Perhaps you’ve heard the news: the incandescent light bulb is…

LED Infographic Advantages and Stats
Advantages and Statistics of LED Lights – See more at: Join the Forum discussion on this post…

Anti-Lightbulb Ban Petitions
FreedomLightBulb is now keeping a list of all the petitions that are pushing back against the lightbulb bans. This list includes petitions…

Don’t change YOUR bulbs, change THEIR minds!
Today we are starting to promote a new slogan for our campaign: Don’t change YOUR bulbs, change THEIR minds! It is our…