CFL Myths

Myth #1: CFLs last up to 10 times longer than incandescent light bulbs.
Fact #1: Only true if CFL is left on continuously. When turned off and on in average home use, most fail before an incandescent.
Myth #2: CFLs use 50 - 80% less energy than incandescent light bulbs.
Fact #2: When all the energy used to create, ship from China, run, then dispose of a CFL is considered, a CFL uses more energy in it's lifetime than an incandescent.
Myth #3: Although initially more expensive, you save money in the long run because CFLs use 1/3 the electricity and last up to 10 times as long as incandescents.
Fact #3: See Myth #1 (most homes do not run CFLs continuously), and Myth #2 (from creation through use then to disposal, CFLs use more energy).
Myth #4: Reduced Air and Water Pollution: Part 1. Replacing one incandescent bulb with a CFL keeps a half-ton of CO2 out of the atmosphere over the life of the bulb.
Fact #4: Creating electricity creates CO2. When all the energy used to create, run and dispose of a CFL is considered, CFLs use more energy = more CO2.
Myth #5: High-Quality Light: Newer CFLs give a warm, inviting light instead of the "cool white" light of older fluorescents.
Fact #5: Even so, up to 25% of humans are adversely effected by fluorescent light in ways incandescent light never will.
Myth #6: The cost of CFLs has come down greatly as higher consumer demand has driven increased production.
Fact #6: The out-of-pocket cost came down because the government is subsidizing the price. Who pays for the subsides? We do.
Myth #7: CFLs can be used anywhere an incandescent can be used, Part 1:
Fact #7: Some CFL's say on the package "Not for use in enclosed fixtures" because heat will shorten lifespan quicker than short cycling [see Myth #1].
Myth #8: Using CFLs will lower my electric bill.
Fact #8: When demand goes down, governments already compensate electric companies by allowing them to increase prices causing equal or larger electric bills.
Myth #9: Reduced Air and Water Pollution: Part 2. Using CFLs will reduce CO2 emissions because they use less energy.
Fact #9: Coal generated electric plants (big producers of CO2) can not be turned off at night, no matter how much (or little) energy is needed.
Myth #10: Reduced Air and Water Pollution: Part 3. Using CFLs will reduce CO2 emissions because they use less energy.
Fact #10: Intl. Asso. for Energy-Efficient Lighting estimates the energy used to just assemble a CFL = 1.8 Kilowatt hrs; to assemble incandescent = 0.11 Kilowatt hrs.
Myth #11: Lower Cost, Part 1: The expensive CFL and LED bulbs will become cheaper after a ban, on economy of scale!
Fact #11: Having removed the other bulb choices, there may be insufficient supply for the new demand. That raises rather than lowers prices.
Myth #12: Lower Cost, Part 2: The expensive CFL and LED bulbs will become cheaper after a ban, on economy of scale!
Fact #12: Since the cheap competition has been removed, and there are fewer manufacturers of newer more complex bulbs, there is less pressure to reduce prices.
Myth #13: Lower Cost, Part 3: The expensive CFL and LED bulbs will become cheaper after a ban, on economy of scale!
Fact #13: The Government funded pre-ban price-lowering subsidies will no longer be necessary and prices will rise as they did in Australia.
Myth #14: Lower Cost, Part 4: The expensive CFL and LED bulbs will become cheaper after a ban, on economy of scale!
Fact #14: Bulb manufacturers wanted the ban because they can charge more for patented new technology as compared to patent-expired old simple bulbs.
Myth #15: Lower Cost, Part 5: The expensive CFL and LED bulbs will become cheaper after a ban, on economy of scale!
Fact #15: CFLs and LEDs need rare earth minerals to work. Recent rare earth mineral shortages will only cause their price to keep increasing.
Myth #16: Lower Cost, Part 6: The expensive CFL and LED bulbs will become cheaper after a ban, on economy of scale!
Fact #16: They are mostly made in China where wages are rising and shipping transport fuel cost have also risen in recent years with no sign of going down.
Myth #17: Retrofitting US light bulb plants to manufacture CFLs will create jobs.
Fact #17: No CFLs are manufactured in America or Europe because manufacturing health standards are too strict. All are manufactured in either China or India.
Myth #18: CFLs are just better for the environment than incandescents.
Fact #18: Incandescent manufacturing produces 8 grams of waste, but manufacturing CFLs produces 128 grams, of which 78 grams are hazardous waste.