General Light Bulb Information

December 3, 2014
eCandescent Kickstarter campaign has launched!
The first incandescent that can legally be sold in the USA after January 1, 2015! It’s as energy efficient as a CFL…

August 7, 2014
“… Always carry a light bulb.”
Posted on Facebook by: Peter DublinIncandescent Light Bulb (Glühbirne) Alliance Regarding the recent post, Bob Dylan saying “always carry a light bulb”,…

March 24, 2012
Incandescent Sales are Up while CFL Sales are Down.
Shipments of Incandescent Lamps Illuminate at the Close of 2011 NEMA’s indexes for incandescent and compact fluorescent (CFL) lamp shipments increased by…

March 23, 2012
New Light Bulb Labeling Explained
Excerpt from: For years, we’ve measured light bulbs by watts, which indicate how much energy a bulb uses. But bulb brightness…