Fluorescent Light
Everything about fluorescent light and the associated health effects.

CFL Fire Hazard
Posted on Facebook Group: Hoarding Incandescent Light Bulbs 23 December 2014 by Cindy Wight Bridges about a CFL Fire Hazard: A friend shared this with me…

Incandescent Sales are Up while CFL Sales are Down.
Shipments of Incandescent Lamps Illuminate at the Close of 2011 NEMA’s indexes for incandescent and compact fluorescent (CFL) lamp shipments increased by…

First look at Philips L-Prize winning LED bulb
Information you should know when viewing this video: The bulb uses red and blue LED elements. Blue LEDs are known to cause…

Light bulb dilemma: Shift to CFL lighting a concern
Credit: JOE MAHONEY/TIMES-DISPATCH Lois Fay, who has a disorder that makes her very sensitive to light, uses amber colored low-wattage bulbs in…

pdf: Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs) Are Costly and Dangerous Can Cause Fires – Even Explosions!
Editorial Note: Below is a copy of the Table of Contents page from this very well researched paper. Compact Fluorescent Lights (DFLs)…

Light Bulb Phaseout Worse Than Reported
Posted 01/12/2012 05:15 PM ET | Investors.com Reposted from: sendyourlightbulbstowashington.wordpress.com Environmentalism: As the light bulb phaseout goes into effect, you may be…

Huge Price Increases Underway from Lamp Manufacturers: The impact of rare earth metals shortages
Source1: “>http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/ Source2: http://www.connexiones.com There is a rapid, emerging shortage of rare earth metals, a primary component used in the manufacture of…

Lie # 2 – CFLs are better for the environment
Source: http://www.defendingthetruth.com/topic/15052-the-great-cfl-light-bulb-scam/ Lie # 2 – CFLs are better for the environment. Fact: This is a complete lie backed up by no…

Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) serious dangers and alternatives
http://www.examiner.com/holistic-science-spirit-in-national/compact-fluorescent-light-bulbs-cfls-serious-dangers-and-alternatives Good overview of the hidden dangers inside CFLs. Section headings include: Mercury Fact Sheet What to Do if a Fluorescent Light…

CFLs Are Mercury Polluters
From: The Dark Side Of CFLs http://www.greenmuze.com/blogs/guest-bloggers/1031-the-dark-side-of-cfls.html … More than 98% of used CFLs end up in landfills each year. That is…

Minamata disease documents to be displayed in China
http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0WDP/is_1999_May_3/ai_54562953/ “…Hundreds of people died and thousands more were crippled because they ate seafood contaminated with mercury compounds dumped in Minamata Bay…

Quality of Light, Quality of Life
Excerpts from Heritage.org Blog Howard Brandston is a renowned lighting designer who has over 50 years of experience and an impressive project…